Plants and Products obtained from Plants

Useful Plants

Plants are incredibly useful to humans in countless ways. They provide food, medicine, shelter, and fuel, among other things. All of the fruits, vegetables, and grains that we consume come from plants. We also use plant products as spices and herbs to enhance the flavor of our food. Plants also contain a variety of compounds that have medicinal properties, making them an important source of drugs for treating various ailments.

While the usefulness of many plants is known to all, here is a list of plant products not commonly known but forms an essential part of general knowledge.

Plant products
The plant from which opium (rich source of morphine) is obtained Poppy (Papaver Somniferum)
The plant from which Marijuana is obtained Cannabis Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis
The plant from which the drug cocaine is obtained Coca plant
The plant from which anti-malarial drug quinine is obtained Cinchona
The plant from which anti-hypertensive drug reserpine is obtained Rauwolfia serpentina or Sarpaghanda
The plant from which chicory commonly used as a substitute for coffee, is obtained Cichorium intybus
The tree from which turpentine is obtained Pine tree
The tree that yields an aromatic medicinal oil also known as Niligiri tel Eucalyptus
The plant from which a blue dye for use in textile industry is obtained Indigo
The plant from which bio-diesel is produced Jatropha
The flower whose petals are used for making gulkand a commonly used ingredient in the Indian paan Rose

Parts of Plants

Plants provide useful items from different parts. Any of the part of the plant namely, roots, stem, leaves, seeds, flowers etc yield useful products for human consumption.

Here is a list of common items obtained from different parts of plants.

Plant Parts
The part of the plant that is clove Flower bud
The part of the plant that is used as a condiment from cinnamon tree Bark
The part of the plant, Myristica fragrans, from which nutmeg is obtained Seed
The part of the plant, Myristica fragrans, from which mace is obtained Seed coat (aril)
The part of the plant that is star anise, a common spice dried fruit
The part of the plant that is potato/ginger Stem
The part of the plant that is eaten in coconut Seed
The part of the plant from which coffee is obtained Seed
The part of the plant that yields sugar in sugarcane Stem
The part of the plant that yields saffron spice Stigma
The part of the plant from which jute fibre is obtained Bark
The part of the plant from which cotton fibre is obtained Fruit (hairs surrounding the seed)
The part of the plant from which rubber is obtained Latex

Select the right answer

1. Bio-diesel is obtained from -

2. Saffron spice is obtained from which part of the plant?

3. The drug obtained from Papaver somniferum

4. Turpentine, a solvent is obtained from

5. Cinnamon, a spice is obtained from which part of the plant?

6. Coffee plant yields coffee through its

7. Anti-malarial drug Quinine is obtained from which plant?

8. Clove, a spice is which part of the plant?