Propagation of Plants

Types of Propagation

Plant propagation refers to the process of creating new plants from existing ones. Though there are several methods of plant propagation, they can be broadly classified into natural methods of plant propagation and artificial methods of plant propagation. Here are some natural methods of plant propagation:

  1. Seed dispersal
  2. Runners or Stolons
  3. Rhizomes
  4. Tubers
  5. Bulbs
  6. Suckers

Here are some artificial methods of plant propagation

  1. Grafting
  2. Stem cuttings
  3. Layering
  4. Sucker removal
  5. Division

Artificial Methods of Plant Propagation

Grafting: It is the process in which tissues from one plant (scion) are joined with another plant (rootstock) to create a single, grafted plant.

Stem cuttings: It is the process in which portions of stems, leaves, or roots are cut and planted to grow into new plants.

Layering: It is the process in which roots are encouraged to develop on a part of the parent plant (like stem) while still attached, and the rooted portion is later separated to form a new plant.

Sucker removal: Suckers are shoots that arise from the base of a plant, often near the root system. In this process suckers are removed and transplanted at other desired places for growth into new plants.

Division: In this process plants with multiple stems or bulbs are divided into smaller sections, each capable of growing into a new plant.

Examples of Artificial Methods of Propagation

Plant Method
Datesucker removal
Grapesstem cuttings, grafting
Pineapplestem cuttings
Sugar canestem cuttings
Teastem cuttings
Bananasucker removal
Rosestem cuttings
Jasminestem cuttings

Pollination by different agents

Name of Pollination Agent of Pollination