Book Title | Author | Year Published |
On the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin | 1859 |
The Voyage of the Beagle | Charles Darwin | 1839 |
Radioactive Substances | Marie Curie | 1903 |
The Realm of Nebulae | Edwin Hubble | 1936 |
A Brief History of Time | Stephen Hawking | 1988 |
The Grand Design | Stephen Hawking | 2010 |
Black Holes and Baby Universes | Stephen Hawking | 1993 |
Brief Answers to the Big Questions | Stephen Hawking | 2018 |
The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins | 1976 |
Pale Blue Dot | Carl Sagan | 1994 |
Ideas and Opinions | Albert Einstein | 1954 |
Relativity - The Special and the General Theory | Albert Einstein | 1916 |
The World As I See It | Albert Einstein | 1934 |
The Meaning of Relativity | Albert Einstein | 1922 |
The Double Helix | James D Watson | 1968 |
Micrographia | Robert Hooke | 1665 |
On the Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies | Nicolaus Copernicus | 1543 |
If This Is a Man | Primo Levi | 1947 |
Periodic Table | Primo Levi | 1975 |
General Introduction to Psychoanalysis | Sigmund Freud | 1917 |
The Interpretation of Dreams | Sigmund Freud | 1899 |
Principia Mathematica | Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell | 1910-1913 |