Rivers of the World

Longest Rivers

  • The longest river in the world is the Nile.(Length 6,650 km)
  • The longest river in Europe is Volga. (Length 3,530 km)
  • The longest river in Asia is Yangtse. (Length 6,300 km)
  • The longest river in North America is Missouri-Mississippi. (Length 5,971 km)
  • The longest river in South America is Amazon. (Length 6,400 km)
  • The longest river in the USA is Missouri-Mississippi.
  • The longest river in China is Yangtse.
  • The longest river in the Indian sub-continent is Indus. (Length 3,180 km)
  • The longest river in Australia is Murray-Darling. (Length 3,720 km)
  • The longest river in the United Kingdom is Severn. (Length 354 km)
  • The largest river in the world (in terms of the volume of water) is the Amazon.
  • The deepest river in the world is the Congo. It is also known as the Zaire river.
  • The longest tributary river in the world is the Irytish, a tributary of River Ob of Russia.

Some Facts to Remember on World Rivers

  • River Danube flows through FOUR capital cities Budapest (Hungary), Belgrade (Serbia), Vienna (Austria) and Bratislava (Slovakia). It also touches or flows through ten countries viz. Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova.
  • The river which crosses the Equator twice is Congo formerly known as Zaire. The river Congo is formed by the confluence of two rivers, Chambeshi and Lualaba. It flows almost entirely through Democratic Republic of Congo before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The river which crosses the Tropic of Capricorn twice is Limpopo. The Limpopo rises in South Africa and flows into the Indian Ocean after traversing through Mozambique.
  • The river known as China’s sorrow is River Hwang Ho or the Yellow River.
  • The river which begins south of Equator and then crosses Tropic of Cancer before emptying into the sea - Nile
  • The river which does not have any bridges across it throughout its entire length is the Amazon.
  • Examples of countries which do have any rivers flowing through them Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar etc.

Self Test on Rivers of the World


Select the Correct Answer

1. Which is the longest river of the Indian sub-continent?

2. What is the direction of the flow of River Nile?

3. Which is the longest river of Europe?

4. Which river crosses the Equator twice in its course from origin to sea?

5. Which river is also known as the Yellow river?

6. Which is the deepest river in the world?

7. How many capital cities (of countries) stand on the banks of river Danube?